About Us
Our Institute was established with the name of “Institute of Marine Sciences and Geography” in accordance with law no 41 in 20.07.1982 to conduct postgraduate education and scientific researches.
It was renamed as “Institute of Marine Sciences and Management” in 11.07.1992 according to law number 3837. Our Institute was reorganized as five divisions and seven science programs in the session of The Council of Higher Education, dated the 15th of July 1994, and two more new science programs are added in 2017.
Our Institute has left marks in many areas by raising around 700 (550 Master degrees and 150 PhD) post-graduated scientists and involving various national and international scientific researches.
Our aim is to produce information and data at a universal standard by using modern scientific methods in the field of Marine Sciences and Maritime and provide postgraduate education to train specialists and researchers for the different segments of society. We want to develop solution proposals and methods in line with the problems and needs of our country while protecting its interests.
Becoming a marine sciences center that represents the Eastern Mediterranean-Black Sea region by providing resources with the participation of the public and private sectors, giving multi-disciplinary education and making international collaborations.